Health Benefits of Milk Thistle

Are you interested in knowing the Health benefits of Milk Thistle? Milk Thistle is a flowering herb linked to ragweed and daisy family. It grows in Mediterranean countries like Europe and North America. Milk thistle is now seen throughout South America, eastern United States and California. The plant is 2-meters in height and has bright and large purple flowers.

In this article, we’ll be sharing with you the plenteous health benefits of milk thistle. This herb was named milk thistle because of the milky sap that pops out of the leaves when they are breached. The leaves also have distinctive white marks that some people say were the Virgin Mary’s milk. The upper ground parts and seeds are used in making different medicines. The seeds are widely used to make medicines. Benefits of Milk Thistle Milk thistle is taken orally to remediate liver disorders, including liver harm because of the alcohol, chemicals and chemotherapy also liver damage that happens because of Amanita Phalloides mushroom poisoning, acute inflammatory liver disease, jaundice, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. Milk thistle is also consumed orally for heartburn, loss of appetite, gallbladder complaints, expanded prostate, infertility and beta-thalassemia (a blood disorder).

Some people use milk thistle to cure kidney damage, diabetes, prostate cancer, hangover, disorders of the spleen, inflammation in the chest and lungs, depression, malaria, improved breast milk flow, uterine complaints, initiating menstrual flow and allergy symptoms. Milk Thistle is also applied to the skin to prevent skin toxicity because of radiation. Milk thistle leaves and flowers are consumed as a vegetable in salads and an alternative for spinach. Its seeds are roasted to be used as a coffee alternative. Keep in mind that blessed thistle and milk thistle are two different things, never confuse them.

Health Benefits of Milk Thistle


When you intake milk thistle for four weeks in the form of a particular combo of products that includes milk thistle, peppermint leaf, caraway, chamomile, clown’s mustard plant, angelica, licorice and lemon balm, it can help in reducing the acuteness of cramping, acid reflux, vomiting, nausea and stomach pain.


Some studies revealed that consumption of silymarin which is a chemical compound found in milk thistle with the formal treatment, can reduce total cholesterol, blood sugar, triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein in diabetic people. Other former researches recommend that consuming silymarin thrice a day can lower insulin resistance in people with liver disease and diabetes caused by alcohol. Benefits of Milk Thistle

Improved Liver Health

One of the best health benefits of milk thistle is curing liver problems. A study in 2016 discovered that milk thistle amended diet-induced live damage in animals. More pieces of evidence are still needed to milk thistle is beneficial for humans in a similar way. Still, researchers believe that it does. The silymarin, which is an active ingredient in milk thistle serves as an antioxidant by decreasing free radical production. Scientists believe that this generates a detoxifying effect, which is why the milk thistle can be beneficial for remedying liver issues.

Healthier and Shinier Skin

Milk thistle may aid boost healthy skin. A study published in 2015 stated that milk thistle helped to amend inflammatory skin conditions when applied over mice. It was also discovered that milk thistle has anti-aging and antioxidant properties. More research on humans is required to understand what benefits a person can get by applying milk thistle over their skin.

Ideal for Weight Loss

The former animal research conveyed in 2016 discovered that silymarin, when fed to mice, resulted in weight loss. This recommends milk thistle may be helpful for those who want to lose weight. Still, more research is needed to confirm this.

Prevents Asthma Symptoms

Milk thistle can help in decreasing inflammation because of its active ingredients. A research study in 2012 discovered that silymarin aided to defend against inflammation in mice with asthma symptoms.

Improves the Immunity

Milk thistle may aid in strengthening a person’s immune system and help his handle infections and seasonal allergies. Research stated that milk thistle extract could have a positive impact on humans’ immune response. Milk thistle also aids in breast milk production for lactating mothers, but still more research is needed to confirm that.

Health Benefits Of Milk Thistle

Benefits of Milk ThistleVelociTea has Milk Thistle as a primary ingredient. Nine out of ten people experience a significant result when they drink some of our VelociTea. The gentle blend of herbs helps remove toxins from your body.

All the soft tissues inside your body are cleansed gently with the VelociTea. The herbs will help clean your colon, digestive system, kidneys, liver and lungs of any toxins

You can order VelociTea from my online store.

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We hope that this guide about the seven powerful health benefits of milk thistle has helped you in understanding how this herb can help you in a variety of ways.

Healthy Living

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