herbal cleanse

VelociTea Ingredients

VelociTea Ingredients are a gentle blend of medicinal herbs that have been used for thousands of years. VelociTea is a medicinal tonic designed to cleanse the inside of your body from toxins.

VelociTea Ingredients is Detox Tea


Our world is very toxic. The world has dirty air and water. Our food has unhealthy bacteria. What can we do to stay healthy? You can get a gentle detox tea that will go into your soft tissues and organs and cleanse anything that is foreign to your body. The tea was formulated in the early 1980’s and has been used successfully by millions of people. The colon, kidneys, liver and lungs are cleaned and you will notice a difference right away the very next day. Nine out of 10 people get a significant result.

Dial 559-546-1051 to hear Dr. Chappell explain how the detox tea is foundational to good health. The recorded call is available 24 hours a day.

Velocitea Ingredients

Constipated Colon

Constipation is a common problem. If we eat three meals per day, we should have three bowel movements.

On the recorded call above, Dr. Chappell shares that many of the ingredients in VelociTea have been used for thousands of years in other parts of the world.

You can also listen to this same recording by dialing 1-559-546-1051 anytime day or night 365 days per year.

The VelociTea ingredients are a special blend of safe, natural, edible herbs grown without chemical fertilizers or pesticides (even the tea bags are unbleached):

1. Persimmon leaves: Chinese medicine believes that Persimmons will regulate the Ch’i which is kind of like the life force. Eating a Persimmon a day is said to be better at preventing heart disease than eating an Apple. Persimmon tea has been used to treat constipation, hemorrhoids and to ease acid reflux. Cooked Persimmons has been used to treat diarrhea.

People have noticed animals chewing on persimmon leaves for many years. The animals know about the health benefits of persimmon leaves. Dr. Chappell mentions watching animals chewing on persimmon leaves.

2. Malva leaves: It was used in teas in China more than five thousand years ago and employed by Greek and Roman physicians to treat internal and external disorders, calling it omnimorbium, meaning “the remedy of all illnesses,” It continued as an important “cure-all” treatment throughout the Middle Ages, it is principally known for its soothing qualities.

3. Milk Thistle: Has been reported to have protective effects on the liver and to greatly improve its function. It is typically used to treat liver cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis (liver inflammation), toxin-induced liver damage (including the prevention of severe liver damage from Amanita phalloides (‘death cap’ mushroom poisoning), and gallbladder disorders.

4. Marshmallow leaves: Benefits have long been acknowledged by ancient civilizations. The marshmallow is known to possess diuretic, emollient, demulcent and expectorant properties.

The following are the health benefits attributed to marshmallow tea. May aid in flushing out kidney stones or may help relieve sore throat.

5. Blessed Thistle: Considered to stimulate stomach acid secretion and has been used for the treatment of indigestion and flatulence (gas problem). Also used as an appetite stimulant, digestion enhancement, astringent, bleeding, anorexia, boils, blood purifier, breast milk stimulant, cancer, cervical dysplasia, bile flow stimulant, contraceptive, colds, diarrhea, diuretic, liver disorders, jaundice, gall bladder disorders, malaria, menstrual disorders, skin ulcers, wound healing, rabies, and yeast infection.

It is the special enzymes that allow the gentle cleansing of the whole body with continued use. All the enzymes that used to give us colon health have been destroyed with modern processing of foods and pasteurization of dairy products. Now we can get back to enjoying perfect colon health!

Many people have experienced some incredible weight loss after using the VelociTea for a period of time. Some people have impacted waste inside their digestive system and once the colon is cleaned out, people notice that they have more energy and feel better. Many people notice a weight loss between 4 and 40 pounds or more depending on the person. Any weight loss diets or programs that people use will be more effective once the body is properly eliminating waste each day with the safe herbs in the VelociTea Ingredients product.

You can try our product with a free one week sample by completing the request on my site below. If you have any problems and need assistance, please call me weekdays during regular business hours Pacific time. My contact details are on my Contact Page.

Rush Me a Sample of VelociTea