air particulates and lung health

Detox Lungs from Air Pollution

Welcome to my Detox Lungs from Air Pollution post where you can learn about how to cleanse your lungs from toxic air.

Do you live in an area of the world where the air is not clean?

Automobile manufacturers are making newer vehicles that do not pollute the air as much as older cars polluted the environment 20 or more years ago.

As an active person that enjoys going outside for long walks and bicycle rides, I am subject to getting a blast of carbon monoxide and cadmium and the other pollutants that are in the air.

This week I had to take 2 trips into the San Fernando Valley of California. When you cross Rocky Peak, you are looking at a large valley. In the summer, pollutants get trapped and you can see the haze of pollutants in the air.

What can people do to help their lungs healthy? How can we detox lungs from air pollution?

What can we do to stay healthy? You can get a gentle detox tea that will go into your soft tissues and organs and cleanse anything that is foreign to your body. The tea was formulated in the early 1980’s and has been used successfully by millions of people. The colon, kidneys, liver and lungs are cleaned and you will notice a difference right away the very next day. Nine out of 10 people get a significant result.

VelociTea is a gentle blend of herbs that gives the soft tissues of your body a bath. I drink a large glass of VelociTea every evening that I come back from the Valley. I know that the detox tea will go into my lungs and begin cleaning out any toxins that I may have breathed in.

Dial 559-546-1051 to hear Dr. James ( Jim ) Chappell explain how the detox tea is foundational to good health. The recorded call is available 24 hours a day.

Try a week of VelociTea on me by going to my website below:

Rush Me a Week of VelociTea

Daniel Parsons

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